Friday, November 29, 2019

Three Programs To Listen And Analysis Essays -

Three Programs To Listen And Analysis For this project, I chose to pick three programs to listen to on PeachState Radio, station 88.1 on the FM dial. The program's were Classical24, which aired Monday through Thursday from 12am-5am; Jazz AfterHours which aired from 12am-5am on Fridays and Saturdays; and CarTalk which aired Saturdays from 10am-11am. I chose these programsbecause I thought it would give me an insight on a good variety of theprograms played on national public radio. Classic 24 played an arrayof selections ranging from Mozart and Beethoven to Haydn and Chopin. Jazz After Hours featured names common to me like John Coltrane andRosemary Clooney, but also many others whose music that I foundquite enjoyable. Still, the program I liked the most and chose to writeabout was Car Talk. Car Talk airs weekly on the National Public Radio. It's a call-inradio show that allows listeners to ask questions about problems withtheir car. Brothers Click and Clack Tappet help the people solve theirtroubles in a comical, yet help ful way. The brothers always seem topoke fun at their callers, making them feel somewhat stupid, yetalways bounce back with an answer to the problem. The episode Ipicked to discuss aired February 20, 1999. The first caller to the program was Doris, who had a 1988 PontiacSunbird that was running hot. She complained that at a time whiledriving, the temperature went way up. She said that she went to hermechanic and he said he was too busy and would help her tomorrow. Click and Clack commented that if she was having a heart attack,would the doctor ask her to come back the next day? They told hernot to go back to a mechanic that puts you off. The most probablesolution, they said, was simply to change the thermostat and to makesure that the electric cooling fan was working. Another caller, Ann, who owned a 1994 Mercury Villager wasconcerned with whether or not her van was able to make across-country trip while pulling a pop-up trailer. Click and Clack saidthat it probably would not. They said she should drive it out to PikesPeak, let the kids push it off, and go buy a Yukon to pull the camper. Of course they were only kidding and told the caller that she shouldhave the engine and transmission properly serviced and that it wouldbe fine. The last one I want to talk about was the funniest to me. A womancalled in about clutch problems on a 1989 Volkswagon. She said thatshe had been through five clutches and the car only had 85,000 mileson it. She said that she had taken the car back to the dealership forrepairs, and each time they could not figure out the problem. Themechanics said that the teeth on the flywheels kept breaking and thepressure plate was splitting in half. Click and Clack asked questions totry to find a solution but the results were negative. They called her a?wacko woman driver? and said the only thing wrong with her car wasthat she needed to learn to drive properly. Car Talk was a very informative and humorous program. I did notexpect to get a laugh out of it, but to my surprise I did. It can reallyhelp solve those troublesome car problems. Car Talk was a really coolshow and if I ever am riding along at ten in the morning on aSaturday, I would definitely listen to it again.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The new England primer Essays

The new England primer Essays The new England primer Essay The new England primer Essay Their view of God was that they believed their God was holy but harsh. They thought no matter how good they were they would still be punished by him. Puritans based everything they did on God , Which shows how important he was to them. 2. The Puritans values were to their religion. To please God because he is the one who decides everything , especially fate of their lives and to live his word. They have important values of life, the importance of home and family the simplistic lifestyle hey lead , their gods almighty providence. To live a pure holy life based around God. To teach their children how to base their lives on God. 3. The Puritans define truth as The Bible. 4. They have a Pessimistic view of life. They believed they were living as sinners and were evil and had to work for Gods forgiveness. (http://prize. Com/vow_logically/ puritans) 5. Puritans view of work and worldly success was to please God. Everything they did from work to education to everything in life was based on him. They were scared they ere going to be punished so they tried as hard as they could to live in his word and to always please him. Nee lived a sin-free life. 7. The Puritans main authority was God ; they lived by his word. 8. Puritans did believe in education , but their education was based on The Bible and God. Children learned the Alphabet based on The Bible. They used The New England Prime to learn the Alphabet. The New England Primer associated each letter with a biblical rhyme. 9. Puritans view man as evil and sinful. To them everyone was doomed to hell but you st ill had to try and live Gods word

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Parable of the Sahdu Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Parable of the Sahdu - Essay Example Parable of the Sadhu began with the multi-ethnic and multi-national group of expert mountain climbers who want to reach the top of Mount Everest. One group member who is a part of the New Zealand group of mountaineers discovered the sadhu (an Indian holy man that practices yoga or an ascetic or a mystic) to be lying in the snow almost naked and near death already due to hypothermia (loss of body heat due to the cold). He brought this Indian man to the group to which the author Bowen H. McCoy belonged to so they can take care of him. He was in a hurry to rejoin his group that is already far ahead in the mountains. Members of the group of McCoy gave their food and clothing to the Sadhu so he can recover his strength. The four members of a Swiss group also helped to keep the man warm. The group of the Japanese climbers refused to lend their horse for transporting the Sadhu down the mountains to the next nearest village. The local porters carried the man instead but only half-way to the village and left the sadhu to cover the rest of the way to the village which they pointed out to him. No one in the group had bothered to ask the sadhu why he was there in the place or if he had really wanted to die (McCoy 12). No one also knew whether the sadhu eventually lived or not. The moral of the story is that people will often act differently when confronted with a situation that requires moral judgment. In this parable, each group of climbers found a reason to help the sadhu but only partially, because each had a higher goal of reaching the mountains peak before the snow steps will melt and make reaching the summit almost impossible. Each person was confronted with an ethical dilemma: whether to continue on with their journey or help out the sadhu and get delayed and probably never reach the mountains peak anymore. At issue in this story is no individual or group was willing to accept responsibility for the sadhu. Many of us as professionals will encounter similar

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Gun Control in the United States Research Paper

Gun Control in the United States - Research Paper Example In short, more thorough background checks of those people who wish to buy guns is a necessity for stricter gun control due to the increased level of crimes involving guns in our communities. However, as DeConde (2001) notes, ‘no social issue of recent decades has produced more distorted data and contention among Americans than the struggle to control gun violence’ (p. 3), and so the issue is far from simple. There are well over 200 million guns in the United States (far more than in other developed countries) while the gun laws are comparatively weak. Canter ( 2006) found that when the US is compared to other economically-developed and democratically-governed countries, the age-adjusted rate of death by firearms is eight times as high as the average of the other countries pooled together. It is obvious that current background checks are not good enough. The massacre at Virginia Tech in April 2007, which left 32 staff and students dead, was carried out using two weapons, both of which was purchased completely legally at local stores. The killer had, two years earlier, been declared mentally ill and a danger to himself by a judge. This alone should surely have disqualified him from purchasing firearms, but he was never placed on a list banning him from buying guns in Virginia. The issue here was surely the vastly-different state laws on gun controls. What is needed is strong national laws, and checks conducted using nationwide databases. Fig. 1. The Geography of Gun Deaths in America. Source: [Accessed January 27 2011] Background checks as a feature of the gun control debates in the United States date all the way back to the 1930s, when the District of Columbia introduced a 48-hour cooling off period for the purchase of firearms. Indeed, until the 1970s, the National Rifle Assocation (NRA) – the leading group in the pro-gun lobby, actually supported such policies. From 1986, there was a nationwide campaign for the introduction of a waiting period on all gun purchases, and in 1993, the passage of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act established a 5-day waiting period, during which time background checks were to be conducted to ascertain whether a gun could responsibly be sold to the applicant. Spitzer (2002) produced a list of the reasons for which a gun purchase could be blocked: if the applicant had been convicted of a crime carrying a sentence of more than a year, if a restraining order had been placed against them for violence, if they had been convicted of domestic abuse, if they had been arrested for using or selling banned substances, if they were deemed to be mentally unstable, or if they were an illegal alien (p. 51).The Brady Act is held to have had some effect on firearm-related violence. Canter (2006) noted that the number of deaths by guns fell from 37,776 in 1992 to 32,436 in 1997 (p. 3). Nevertheless, this can scarcely be hailed as the major breakthrough in tackling gun crime which is n eeded in the United States. While the Supreme Court struck down the requirement for police to conduct background checks in 1997, handgun background checks have largely continued. In theory, all this should have done much to ensure that only those who could safely be sold a handgun would be able to procure one. However, there have been major issues. In 1998, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) set up its National Instant Criminal Background

Monday, November 18, 2019

Enhancing the Quality of Education Provided by School Teachers Essay

Enhancing the Quality of Education Provided by School Teachers - Essay Example The association of teachers’ educators widely acknowledges that the most efficient way to upgrade students learning outcomes depends highly on the quality of teaching. The research that was conducted by the same association indicates that the teacher quality is positively and significantly correlated with learners’ attainment. The same result is also important within-school aspect since it can be used to analyze student results. Education is an essential tool not only for the cultivation of values in students but also thriving and innovative society. This is the primary reason teachers are instructed to encourage self-motivation and proper way of studying among learners and to be a good role model for the students. The quality of education is not only restricted to the class work alone, but it extends further up to economic development. As the competition among nations intensifies due to rapid growth in the global market, the imperative role of education as the key to future success can greatly be felt. Above all, following the structural changes from manufacturing to the service-oriented economy in the past years, it will force educators to establish substantial and genuine human capital to central the top rank of competition. However, this will be influenced by the quality of education offered by the existing schools and teachers. Some of these changes can achieve through enhancing Teacher Education Programmes in order to produce highly trained and qualified teachers.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Developing Policies for Avian Flu in Bangladesh

Developing Policies for Avian Flu in Bangladesh Introduction: Highly pathogenic H5N1 was first reported in 2007 and since then the disease has devastated effect on poultry industry of Bangladesh. Since its introduction into Bangladesh, the H5N1 has evolved continuously. H5N1-H9N2 co-infection and reassortment event in H5N1 has been documented in Bangladesh. All those provide evidence of emergence of novel viruses, due to reassortment, in Bangladesh. For example H7N9 has been reported as a reassortant strain which have pandemic potential i.e deadly for human life (1). Objectives of the project: To develop policies for both low and high pathogenic avian influenza viruses present or at risk of entering Bangladesh, The economic analysis for the high pathogenic strains assume that their economic effects are similar to those of H5N1. In this review I emphasized on the population at risk and occurrence and distribution of HPAI and LPAI in Bangladesh. Population at risk: H5N1 has been reported in chicken, duck, pigeon, goose, quail, turkeys, pet birds (2-10) and wild bird (2, 11) such as lesser whistling ducks (4) and crow (5, 10). H5N1 has also been documented in the poultry samples of live bird market (LBM) (12), commercial farms (FAO classified the farming system: three (3)) (13) and local chicken (14). In LBM, chicken, ducks and quail were the three species of LBM from H5N1 has been isolated most (4). AI virus has been reported also from environmental samples (4-6). In human (15), H5N1 has been documented in children (16, 17) workers of poultry market (18-20) and poultry farm (19). H7N9 has been reported in chicken, quail, goose, duck and pigeon (8). H9N2 was reported in chicken (Parent stock (layer) (21)), duck, goose, pigeon and quail (8). A study reported that H9N2 was more prevalent in chickens while H5N1 was reported dominantly in ducks and goose in compare to chicken (8). Occurrence and distribution Geographic distribution in your country: HPAI H5N1 and LPAI H9N2 is an endemic poultry disease in Bangladesh and has been occurred throughout the country (2, 4, 20, 22). Those two HPAI and LPAI two have been circulated together at poultry market since 2008 (4). LPAI H9N2 has been circulated persistently in bird markets (4) while H5N1 have sporadic infection among LBM workers in Bangladesh (20). The disease has been distributed in retail market such as live poultry market, pet bird market, commercial farms (4, 6, 12, 13, 20) and wetland of Bangladesh such as Baikka Beel Hakaluki hoar, Tanguar Haors of Sylhet division and Jahangirnagar university lake of Dhaka division (11, 23). In Bangladesh, clade was in reported from crow and bird market (4, 5) whereas clades 2.2.2 was reported in bird markets (4). Clade 2.2 reported in northwest–southeast direction whereas clade reported mainly in north–south direction of central Bangladesh(24). Jamalpur district (Sarishari upazilla) reported as the HPAI outbreak epicentre for indigenous poultry in Bangladesh (25). H5N1 has followed Northwest–Southeast oblique line during phase I outbreak. The disease has reported nearly from all over the country with an exception in south region in phase II outbreak. In phase III outbreak, the disease has been extended to new areas from where there was no HPAI has been reported in earlier two phases (11). Fig.: Distribution H5N1 HPAI between 2007 and 2012 (1) Geographic distribution in other countries where epidemiology of the disease is likely to be similar: Khan et al. (2014) found close similarities in avian influenza virus clade of Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Myanmar and proposed a common AI antecedent in the area (5). Three clades such as clades 1, 2.3.4 and has been linked with human outbreak in Vietnam (18) and there was a changes in clade circulation over the time in Vietnam and also in China (26). In other countries, H5N1 has been reported commonly from Red River Delta area and sporadically from highland areas of Vietnam(27). H5N1 has been reported in live bird market workers of Vietnam (18) and Hong Kong (20). H5N1 has also been reported in lower-Northern of Thailand (27). In India, the AI occurred mostly in backyard chicken of West Bengal (97%) and Assam (94%) states, while in Tripura state the AI reported only in 37% of backyard chicken (28). Prevalence in your country: Overall 0.87%-22.05% samples were positive for Avian influenza virus (AIV) Type A in Bangladesh (2, 3, 6, 8, 14, 23). AIV has been documented in migratory bird (3.93%), LBM chicken (7.06%), duck (1.68%-39.76%) (2, 3, 8, 23), pigeon (5.26%) (2), quail (8.5%)(3) and goose (9.09%) (8) of Bangladesh. Among chickens, AIV has been reported in broiler (12%-12.5%), layer (15%-62.5%) and local (0%-25%) chicken (8, 29). One study documented higher AI prevalence in hens (10.83%) in compare to cocks (8.65%) (14). AI was more prevalent in >34 weeks bird (12.80%) than 8-16 weeks birds (14). Avian influenza Type A virus was detected with Antigen test kit and reported, prevalence was high in Dhaka district and Gazipur district while lowest was reported in Mymensingh (0.0%) (29). H5N1 antibodies has been documented at low level in wild birds (0.09%) of wetlands such as Tanguar Haor and Hakaluki Haor (23). A study reported 5% H5N1 seroprevalence in live bird market (LBM) worker (20) while another study documented no farm workers and bird market worker in positive for H5N1 in Bangladesh even though they had history of regular contact with sick and moribund poultry (19). About 2% seroconversion per year has been documented in poultry worker of Bangladesh (20). Khatun et al. (2013) documented the AIV type A winter season sero-prevalence during December 2009-February 2012 period and documented highest rate in December 2009-February 2010 (43.8 9%) which followed by December 2010-February 2011 (38.50% ) and December 2011-February 2012 (34.8 3%). The seasonal prevalence of AIV type A from Dec’2009-Feb’2010 (26 .89%), Dec’2010-Feb’2011 (18.50%) and December 2011-February 2012 (18.33%) respectively (page 3). The overall sero-prevalence of AIV type A in three successive winter seasons was recorded as 39.76% (23). In Feni district, overall 0%-25% AIV type A seroprevalence has been documented at union level (14). Co-infection (H5N1-H9N2) in poultry has been reported in Bangladesh (4, 6). For example, a study isolated 975 H9N2 and 66 H5N1 from a total of 19897 samples (4) while another study isolated H5N1 (92), H9N2 (734) and 62 other strain such as from 17,438 samples in Bangladesh (23). Of 22 avian influenza sample, a study identified 8 sample positive for H5N1, 4 samples positive for H7N9 and 10 samples positive for H9N2) positive samples (8). H10N7, H1N2, H1N3, H4N2, H3N6 and H3N8 has also been detected in duck population of Bangladesh (4, 23). Avian influenza virus Type A co-infected with new castle virus (9.90 %) has also been documented in Bangladesh (23). Prevalence in other countries where epidemiology of the disease is likely to be similar: Nasreen et al. (2013) H5N1 seroprevalence in bird market worker of Bangladesh study findings had similarities with Nigera, Indonesia and Vietnam study findings where no farm workers and bird market worker were found positive for H5N1 (19). AI was more prevalent in >34 weeks poultry (12.80%) than 8-16 weeks poultry in Bangladesh (14). Similar pattern has been documented in duck of Nepal for example duck >1 year older was 2 times more seropositive to AI virus than duck 7). Incidence: In Bangladesh, Nasreen et al. (2015) estimated that â€Å"the H5N1 incidence: 7 cases per 100 bird worker–years and annual incidence 50 cases per 721 enlisted poultry workers† (20). Biswas et al. (2011) estimated the higher mortality rate in backyard chickens (0.0703/day) followed by broiler (0.0341/day), breeder (0.0215/day), layer (0.0179/day) and suggested that higher mortality in backyard chicken due to scavenging feeding and co-infection with other disease. In addition Biswas et al. (2011) stated that the findings did not provide evidence to the people faith that local chickens are less prone to H5N1 infection than hybrids chicken (30). Reference 1.Islam MR. Global and local challenges in the control of avian influenza. 9th International Poultry Show Seminar; Dhaka, Bangladesh: World Poultry Science Association-Bangladesh Branch; 2015. p. 5-14. 2.Rahman MH, Giasuddin M, Islam MR, Hasan M, Mahmud MS, Hoque MA, et al. Bio-molecular Diagnosis of Avian Influenza Virus from Different Species of Birds in Bangladesh. 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Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr. Essay -- Malcolm X Luther King C

Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  African Americans are fortunate to have leaders who fought for a difference in Black America. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X are two powerful men in particular who brought hope to blacks in the United States. Both preached the same message about Blacks having power and strength in the midst of all the hatred that surrounded them. Even though they shared the same dream of equality for their people, the tactics they implied to make these dreams a reality were very different. The background, environment and philosophy of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X were largely responsible for the distinctly varying responses to American racism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The early backgrounds of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr. had major impact on their goal to achieve equality between all races. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born Michael Luther King in Atlanta, Georgia on January 15, 1929. He was one of three children born to Martin Luther King Sr., pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church, and Alberta King, a former schoolteacher. Malcolm X was born Malcolm Little on May19, 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska. His mother, Louise Norton Little, was a homemaker who stayed occupied with the family’s eight children. His father, Earl Little, was an outspoken Baptist minister and avid supporter of Black Nationalist leader Marcus Garvey. King attended segregated local public grammar schools in Georgia and graduated from high school at the age of fifteen after being skipped two grade levels. King then enrolled in Morehouse University in 1944 and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in sociology. He furthered his education after Morehouse at Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania and at Boston University, earning his doctorate. X attended reform school in Michigan after the death of his father. Malcolm dropped out of school after graduating from junior high school at the top of his class.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As the years passed Malcolm and Martin took on two different lifestyles. Martin then married Coretta Scott in 1955 and into the family born two sons and two daughters. Malcolm married on January 14, 1958 to Betty Sanders and later had six daughters. King was renamed â€Å"Martin† when he was about six years old. Malcolm considered â€Å"Little† a slave name and chose the â€Å"X† to signify his lost tribal name (Rummel 157). In 1954, Martin Luther King accepted pa... ...el 125). Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X are both remembered as strong leaders who shared an equal dream that one day their people would be free from racism and oppression. They believed in this dream so strongly they sacrificed their lives for it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Today, both men's legacy lives on and is being carried out by their loved ones. They had the same goal in mind about Black respect and pride, but were different in addressing their message. Personally, the life of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King has inspired me. Their determination and strong will to fight for something they believed in encouraged me to fight for my belief in God and values as a Black person. They also help me realize if you want something in life you have to go after it and that is what I did with furthering my education. One should use Malcolm and Martin as examples to not let anything in life get in the way of what you stand for. Even though Malcolm and Martin did not live to see their dream come true their deaths were not in vain. Although Black America still have a long way to go in overcoming racism, we have accomplished a lot in gaining rights since the death of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.